What can I tell you about Auckland - If you get a chance go and see it. The city is always alive with something going on. Winter here is well, WET very WET. I am now part amphibian from all the rain. Its not too cold and we're almost in spring at worst 8-10 degrees but after the summer we miss the sunshine. Lots of our friends are sun chasers and just roam around the world with the summer and I understand why!
But it has been so much fun living here they say a picture speaks a thousand words so ...
The people are amazing from our friends at Frienz, colleagues, and locals at Teds we will meet again on our travels guys!
The parks ... they are everywhere and all seem to be volcanoes One Tree Hill, Albert, Eden and so many more there are 50 if you do the coast to coast walk you get to see most of them as you walk the 20km from the Pacific Ocean to the Tasman Sea. We did and it was worth the sore legs. I can also say I have officially walked from the Pacific to the Tasman and across the breadth of New Zealand.
The Sky Tower (we share a birthday), it lights up the city for all occasions from rainbow colours for pride, red for the lions tour, green for paddy's day and all colours for its 20th anniversary.
The Islands
Whaheki - the wine island a must see for anyone who loves vineyards, zip lining, adventure, the beach or seafood. I love it here its one of my favourite places so far.
700 years ago in a series of explosions Rangitoto violently burst from the sea! Sounded cool so we had to go and see for ourselves. At 260 meters its a true Auckland icon, you can see it from anywhere. Rangitoto, is Auckland's youngest volcano and the home to the largest Pohutukawa forest in the world, as well as many species of birds unique to this cool volcano. Lava fields and a pretty interesting climb up the mountain is rewarded at the top by some of the best views of the city. The lava tunnels are also a must see, you can walk through them. Head torches are a must.
The quirky Kiwis
- Lollies are Harribo
- People don't wear shoes (and that's normal to walk to countdown in your bare feet)
- Pies, they are obsessed with pies
- Tim Tams and of course the Tim Tam slam, its a kiwi thing its pretty gross you pretty much suck your tea through a melted biscuit yuk!
- Kiwi Dip, Chris loves it. Its pretty much cream and onion powder but it tastes surprisingly good
- Food is super expensive ($6 for a pepper) however pizza is super cheap how does this happen!
- The coffee is some of the best in the world so is the wine
- Heaps is a genuine unit of measurement ha ha
- Everything is marshmallow coated in chocolate, chocolate fish and of course pineapple lumps
- Morning Tea is a thing sausage rolls and cake at 10.30 is a must (I almost caused a rebellion when I organized my first one the look on their faces when there was actually just tea and coffee)
The Lions tour, we were here for the Lions tour, Mark worked at the final and said it was awesome but everyday the streets were filled with excited red shirts looking for directions to the stadium. NZ is rugby crazy at the best of times so this was awesome to be in town for. You couldn't get into a pub we just managed to squeeze in to watch the final and the atmosphere was electric (well until the result was a draw a bit of an anti climax)
My birthday was epic, good laughs with great people. No photos though a bit of a fail sorry guys. It was strange having a winter birthday but the sun held out mostly it was just a bit cold. We still managed to sit outside on the Frienz rooftop and have a good time.
But my favourite part has to be the culture, Maori people are a fascinating and welcoming bunch of folk, they are connected to the land, their history and each other thorough mana and tapu and are the perfect whenua (hosts)
I had the chance to be inducted through a Powhiri into the Marae at MIT where I spent two days as their manuwhiri (visitor) learning about Maori protocol, customs and Te Reo (language)
I learned my Pepeha (Maori Introduction)
A waiata (song)
Te Aroha
Te Whakapono
Te Rangimarie
Tatou Tatou e
To all of us
A Karakia
(which we sing the Maori people sing a lot pretty much after every speech, meal, meeting)
He Honore, He Kororia
Maungarongo ki te whenua
Honour, glory peace to the land
Whakaaro pai e
Ki nga tangata katoa
May good thoughts come to all people
Ake ake, ake ake, amine
Te Atua, Te piringa
Toki orange
for ever and ever, amen. The lord is my refuge my life.
And so much more.....
So I will leave you with a Maori proverb
He aha te mea nui o tēnei ao? Māku e kī atu, He Tangata, He Tangata, He Tangata.
What is the most important thing in the world? I reply,it is people, it is people, it is people.
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